49. Seven Outstanding Gift Ideas
12.09.21 - In today’s episode, Mary McNeill, Greg Dowell, and Hannah McNeill lay out 7 outstanding gift options just in time for the holidays. Use the links below to access specific gifts or learn more about them.
Links to our 7 Outstanding Gift Ideas for this season:
• Art Print—Give the gift of the prayer book “Every Moment Holy” or an art print from the book, complete with an illustration and a worded prayer. store.rabbitroom.com/products/litur…t=599658266638 $15
• Audio Series—Download Emily P Freeman’s “Quiet Collection,” a 10-day audio devotional series (deadline to sign up is December 15). www.theschoolforcreativedirection.com/gifts $10
• Movie Night—Buy tickets to see “Christmas With The Chosen,” a Christmas movie by the creators of the series “The Chosen.” (The movie is in theaters through 12/16. After that, be sure to check availability.) watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen
• Game—Dive into Table Topics to start great conversations with families or friends. An example question: “What music reminds you of childhood?” www.tabletopics.com/family-edition-cube $25
• Book—Use “Praying in Color” to discover a different, tangible way to pray. www.amazon.com/Praying-Color-Dra…Caps%2C181&sr=8-2 $20
• Personality Assessment—Use the Strengths Finder assessment tool to discover your personal strengths. www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/…ent-products.aspx $20
• Experience—Gather a group of your people and head to Christmas at Maxwell’s. Enjoy the lights, general store, fire pits, and more. www.maxwellspumpkinfarm.com/christmas $15.95 per person