82. The Blessings of Generosity

Jan 18, 2023    Mike Robertson, Tara Biesboer, Linda Purdy

The Bible doesn’t shy away from talking about how we use our money, but we’re often hesitant to have those conversations ourselves. When we remember that everything we have is God’s, perhaps it will change our approach. Consider that we are taking what is already His and seeing how He is leading us to use it. Today’s episode is a look at upcoming conversations we’ll be having as a church about generosity. The study takes a deep dive into Scripture to see what God has to say about the blessings he’s given us and how he intends for us to use those blessings. If we consider how Jesus talked about money, he brought up the topic in the context of making disciples—as a way of fostering discipleship. Why is it important that we are good stewards of what God has given us? And how does this affect us as followers of Christ? Have a listen to this important conversation as we seek to bring an open posture to the idea of generosity.

Speakers: Greg Dowell, Mike Robertson, Linda Purdy, Tara Biesboer